Thursday, January 16, 2014

Azi aleg fericirea!

    Sa existe oare o reteta magica a fericirii? Sincer, nu cred. Cu toate ca domeniul meu este cel medical si lumea are tendinta sa creada ca tu esti cel care detii secretul si "ingredientele" magice, ei bine nu exista niciun ingredient magic, nicio reteta miraculoasa ci doar milioane de oameni cu milioane de moduri prin care fiecare in parte incearca sa-si gaseasca propriul "drum'' spre fericire.
    In dictionar, fericirea este o stare de multumire intensa, datorata unei bucurii, in realitate trebuie adaugat ca fericirea este o consecinta a propriului efort. Nu avem nevoie de retete, de sabloane, de mituri, avem nevoie de mici detalii(in unele cazuri observate poate doar de noi), de mici gesturi care sa ne aduca zambetul pe buze. Fericirea este o optiune pe care trebuie sa o alegem zilnic, fara a astepta acest lucru de la altcineva.

    Iata cateva lucruri simple pe care le poti face zilnic si care te fac sa te simti minunat.

1.Incepe-ti ziua cu o ceasca de cafea cu noua aroma. Stii cafeaua aceea de care nu erai convinsa daca sa o cumperi sau nu? Ei bine, nu mai sta pe ganduri si delecteaza-ti simturile cu un nou gust, vorba aceea, ziua buna se cunoaste de dimineata.

2.Fa o lista cu lucrurile pentru care esti recunoscatoare. La inceput va fi mai greu, dar sunt convinsa ca vei termina prin a face o lista foarte lunga., pentru ca exista zeci de lucruri fara de care viata ta nu ar fi la fel.
Andre Comte-Sponville, in "Micul tratat al marilor virtuti'' spune ca recunostinta este puterea de a ne bucura de ceea ce avem. Nu trebuie sa uitam niciodata sa apreciem ceea ce avem!

3.Concentreaza-te pe lucrurile pozitive din viata ta.Nu inseamna ca poti gasi fericirea doar in absenta problemelor. Fericirea vine si din modul in care faci fata situatiilor zilnice.

4.Gandirea pozitiva-un mod de viata. Fericirea depinde de gandurile si sentimentele cu care ne inconjuram. Se spune ca zilnic avem peste 70.000 de ganduri, ceea ce inseamna ca este imposibil sa analizam fiecare gand in parte. Dar daca am incerca sa filtram macar o mica parte din ganduri si am scoate la iveala pe acelea frumoase?! Invata sa folosesti cuvinte pozitive, indeparteaza sentimentele urate, incurajeaza oamenii prin cuvinte motivationale, redirectioneaza-ti gandurile spre partea pozitiva a lucrurilor. Rezultatele nu vor ezita sa apara.

5.Gandeste-te la lucrurile la care esti buna.Nu te demoraliza atunci cand lucrurile nu par sa mearga in directia in care vrei tu.Incearca sa-ti pastrezi calmul si sa gasesti acel ceva ce nu functioneaza corect. Trebuie sa ai incredere in fortele proprii.

6.Inconjoara-te de lucruri frumoase. Fie ca este vorba de o carte care ti-a placut si pe care doresti sa o recitesti, fie ca este vorba de o melodie de care nu te poti satura, de un film bun sau de rochia si pantofii noi pe care i-ai purta si in somn daca s-ar putea, nu ezita sa faci ceea ce-ti place.Nu conteaza parerea celor din jur, ci doar starea pe care aceste mici "placeri'' ti-o genereaza.

7.Entuziasmeaza-te! Atunci cand lucrurile merg greu, ca nu mai ai starea necesara sa le duci la bun sfarsit si ai tendinta de a renunta, propune-ti sa realizezi un anumit lucru, ca rasplata la tot ceea ce te-ai chinuit pana atunci. Starea ta de spirit se va schimba doar la vizualizarea acelui moment.

Be different!!!!

Foto: Pinterest

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Back to black

    Black-and-white goes back to the very origins of photography. In the early years, the photographers had no choice but to take photos in black-and-white.Even if nowadays we have high-performance cameras, the black-and-white photos still have that mystery...They remind us of a different world with a different vision.
    They capture all the details, the texture is more accentuated, the position of the onlooker is wrapped up in a mystery, the shapes and forms are becoming the points that draw attention.All these make one picture memorable.
    Karl Lagerfeld said once that black-and-white always looked modern,whatever that word meant.And this is still true.It radiates style and also compound the classic with the modern.
    Black-and-white is beautiful.It helps us to see the light.

    Black-and-white was never gone.It's always reinvented. The only thing that still the same is it's power which allows us to discover the new in the old.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekend ideas

    Scrolling my Pinterest page I found a really nice quote "Some say there aren't enough days in the week,we say there's not enough days in the weekend", which is actually more than true. We start making plans for the next weekend from Monday morning with the promise we'll be more reposed for the next week.
Even if the way from Monday to Friday is long, I thought of some refreshing activities to prepare yourself for the next week.

    First of all, start your Saturday morning enjoying a flavoured coffee with a yummy cupcake in your favourite pyjamas.The foggy day doesn't seem a reason for being loured, does it?

    It's impossible not to miss all that long chats and that unstoppable laugh.Call your friends and invite them to you. Laughing is the best cure for all the stress and worries gathered during a week.

    Do you remember that long walks on your bike from childhood?Well, don't hesitate to feel again those days' freedom. Rent a bike and take some walks!

    Prepare a bowl of popcorns and sit comfortable on your couch, because the outside weather is giving you no choice but starting a marathon of TV series.Here are some suggestions:

  There are few series that can captivate us like Grey's Anatomy did. A drama based on the personal and professional lives of some surgical doctors, first like interns than like a family.A story full of drama, humour and things to be remembered .

  Political intrigues, lawyer stuff, scandals...Good Wife get us from one to another season.

  Centered on Sara, a beautiful but unhappy married female photographer who begins an affair with Jack, a lawyer from a powerful family, also married .A story full of drama, sudden turns and passion: Betrayal.

  If you loved the Carrie's adventures in the Big Apple, New York, with her 3 best friends, than you wouldn't be disappointed by The Carrie Diaries,the beginning of junior Carrie with her first questions about life, love, sex and friendship.

  And the list can easily continue with: The tomorrow peopleOnce upon a timeSleepy Hollow or Da Vinci's Demons

Let the weekend begin!!!!

Foto: Pinterest

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Paris is always a good idea...

    Today, I woke up with the wanderlust of travelling somewhere...And, because I'm a hopeless romantic I chose without any doubt France.As long as you can't go to Paris whenever you want, I thought of bringing it home.
    Wouldn't be spectacular to start your Thursday morning opening your window and admiring "le célèbre Tour Eiffel"?! Or thinking of what to wear for a little walk on the famous Champs-Elysées?! Or having to choose between macarons and croissants would become your daily problem?!Well, you don't have to answer because I can easily guess it...
    Paris, undoubtedly, has an unequally reputation for being one of the most beautiful, interesting and romantic city from all over the world.

     Paris is always a good idea, isn't it?Well, it's almost impossible not to fall in love with it.
    "It's not a city, it's a world" said once King Francois The I, and he was right. Paris is an alive city, full of creativity and beauty, with hundreds of museums and art galleries, wonderful parks, amazing boutiques with the last "en vogue" fashion collections and, of course, irresistible restaurants and cafés.

    Definitely, the art of good eating and drinking is more than a simply free time spending activity and I found  all of these in one place, Paul. A place that keeps the traditions and where you can go to relax and feel the French style.

La vie est pleine de petits bonheurs!!!! 



Monday, January 6, 2014

Bucurestiul din povesti...

    Nu e luna mai potrivita ca ianuarie sa iesi la pas prin orasul vechi pentru a-i descoperi locurile fermecatoare, asta chiar si in lipsa fulgilor de zapada care i-ar fi accentuat farmecul.
    Dupa o zi incarcata care a dat startul acelei perioade "mult iubite si asteptate" de studenti, presesiunea
(care de fapt anunta punctul culminant, sesiunea), am facut un prim popas in Libraria Humanitas, deschisa la sfarsitul anului 2012 la parterul superbei Cladiri Cismigiu.
    Celebrul Hotel Cismigiu adaposteste un veac de istorie si farmec, fiind situat inca de la inceputuri, sub numele de Palace Hotel, pe Bulevardul Elisabeta, bulevard care avea sa devina un Broadway bucurestean in anii 30'. Anii 40', il innoiesc cu beraria Gambrinus care continua traditia celebrei berarii Gambrinus a scriitorului I.L.Caragiale. Povestea continua, iar in anii 65' isi primeste numele de Hotel Cismigiu datorita parcului din vecinatate. Urmeaza anii in care devine camin al studentilor de la Academia de Teatru si Film, fiind in final inchis din cauza contiilor de degradare avansate.
    Astazi, il gasim cu totul si cu totul schimbat si renovat, dar cu acelasi aer elegant a ceea ce a devenit de-a lungul timpului: un simbol.

    Te-am convins?! Ei bine, iti poti incepe calatoria in timp cu o ceasca de ceai fierbinte, rasfoind paginile cartilor de suflet in fata geamurilor mari care dau in bulevard.

La final, nu uita si de o scurta plimbare prin parc!

"Books aren't made of pages and words.They're made of hopes, dreams and possibilities"

Hugs and kisses!!!